domingo, 2 de noviembre de 2014

Everyone is on his own

The rich keeps the law in your purse "The quote is from Jean-Jacques Rousseau, one of the first thinkers to be vilified by the nobility, the clergy and the hacks in the service of the monarchy because of its direct criticism of the wealth, large private property obtained by force and deception, privileges and social inequalities just before the French Revolution in 1789.
It seems that the debate on inequalities have always and are linked to corruption, exacerbated in recent years in countries such as Colombia and do not allow the transition to development. Concerned about the recurrence of acts that incriminate the economic and political elites, social scientists and gave it a name and gave theoretical framework to a set of situations and contrary to citizenship antisocial practices and the proper functioning of democratic institutions . Since there is a reality that exists with facts, figures, economic and political actors and explanatory analysis of the anti social behavior, and we can not ignore that there is a good literature on the subject of violations of the ruling classes to give birth to a urgent debate that goes beyond the regulations that are imposed on a low-intensity democracy.
  In Colombia for example, attributable cases and scandals which are involved entrepreneurs of all kinds, military leaders, ministers, presidential candidates, presidents, judges, mayors, (when have seen a mayor or a poor contractor) contractors that fall under figure of delinquency or criminality of elite white-collar or have had a steady pace and increasing for some years under the eaves (under?) the Concertación and permissive governments like ours but have used the flag "combat corruption "Added to this were" gifted "to a cluster of multinational part of our natural resources concession and free disadvantages classified as" bad business done. "A real steal acolitada by law. The accumulation of capital to launch the model that runs on exploitation of wage labor and unguarded by full trade union rights did not fall from the sky ... made ​​her at gunpoint. Remember the "Slaughter of the banana" it was an extermination of unionized workers and the United Fruit Company that occurred between 5 and 6 December 1928 in the town of Cienaga, near Santa. An unknown number of workers died after the government decided to send Michael Abbey Colombian army to end a one-month strike organized by the workers union seeking to ensure better working conditions. The government of the United States had threatened to invade Colombia through its Marine Corps, (which they always do) if the Colombian government did not act to protect the interests of United Fruit.
Worse is that there are these journalists serve interests capable of handling not only criticize those who defend the common good but stigmatize the student struggle and the agrarian movement.
Sixty years ago, American sociologist Edwin Sutherland, a pioneer in the study of corporate crime, wondered about the moderate treatment was given to the elite crime: "acts committed by individuals of high social position in the course their economic and professional activities are criminal acts in the facts, but are treated as if they were not in order to remove all the stigmas that refer to the crime. "In all capitalist states the rule stated by Sutherland, with the aggravating circumstance that now give public authorities increasingly to economic policy and financial crime impunity is verified. In a globalized capitalist world where finance capital dominates, corruption grows and develops in the fertile soil of the flow of opaque monetary and banking transactions with the help of financial fiefdoms called "tax havens". And neoliberal institutions in each country, along with the neoliberal capitalist mentality permissive promoter organization, created the structural conditions that make the institutional policy in an appendix of money.
So I think a "criminal" who plays with the health of thousands of Colombians who live on CVY contracts and leave us with the works halfway, those who profit illegally in contracts with hospitals without leaving out the corruption in the church, which has cast them Lucifer himself dressed "wash" in the Vatican itself speaks of this. Someone dared to say that corruption is intrinsic to human being, I imagine that he will defend his theory. Are behind the investigating bodies in shop "peek" into the bank accounts of many people connected to different sectors, yet unknown and revealing through a press, journalists and digital media and they would have to avoid being condescending to the economic powers and politicians if they want to be consistent with the discourse about their mission: to seek, transparent and publish the truth about everything that affects the functioning of a democracy built.
Indeed, studies of experts cited above show that crime is a social elite, politically and economically in the world, but not for being a scourge that erodes the super rich, politicians and the ruling classes of the world phenomenon but you got the "poor" can and should be ignored ?. These crimes, crimes and transgressions are a threat to the good life in society and democracy generated by individuals with resources, symbolic capital to spare, influences and placed in a position of power. Because of the above are considered above the law and therefore are unable to self-correct. They live and move in an atmosphere of tolerance as both legal structural media. And they have money power and collusion clan that is supportive internal and external support leads through life with a sense of impunity. Anyway some will promulgate you can live without "stealing" and highlight to those struggling to emerge unbeaten from this scourge, because unfortunately some media have fallen into the trap of taking icons powerful corruption, until next time! .

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