lunes, 22 de diciembre de 2014

Letter to the child Jesus

Letter to the child Jesus

Dear Baby Jesus:
I am Yamid Rodriguez Manzano, that creature created by a breath of life and a spark of light gave me posbilidad reaching this minuscule dot on it called the universe. I do not remember when I met you but when I started the way I understood that cell called family who was you. You sent me nothing, amid nudity and found reasons to live without you advise me sent to this planet because I gave soul self and Gladiator. Before I let go me instructions on a rainy night with a whimper announcing my arrival like you. I have not denied the difficult situations that I atravezado, for they have made me grow and understand the process of life as a human, spiritual and not material being. Child Jesus, this day fortunately I have more reasons to thank the hasty passage on earth, fleeting, magical, sometimes painful understanding that it is transformation. I have learned to tolerate, smiling, sharing and loving, I shed a lot of things just to see others laugh, that is stronger and more motivated than my personal happiness. I could understand that the most dangerous weapon is forgiveness whenever accept my apologize human origin and analyze their intention. Child Jesus, Thou hast beset me wonderful, true sources of light, loved people with a great capacity to evolve and transcend. Allows them and our four-legged friends are high on your throne of kindness and eternity. Child Jesus, guide our hearts and interprets the silence in this Christmas season.
So I want to ask only two things besides your friendship, peace and love sure that all the material will come in as accurate as you specify.
For now and forever pours endless prosperity to those who have been fortunate enough to know and those arriving, arriving more reason to grow in friendship, more strength to work and show the exquisite gifts you gave me.
Finally, Merry Christmas to you and all evolved beings we can not see but feel as dimensional, MERRY CHRISTMAS to all beings in the world.

Yamid Rodriguez Manzano

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